Palaui Paradise: Cape Engano

Cape Engano was an hour’s worth of boat ride from Anguib Cove.

After a rainy night, the weather was cooperating. Look at those clouds.

This is where and when I got burned. Make sure to protect your skin with sunblock. The climb is high but easy. And the view will make it leisurely.

The destination

Let's check it out!

The camwhore comes out.

Rolling hills. Clear skies. Peace.

You just can't get enough of the scenery. You will forget the heat of the sun.

Batanes-like shot (no I haven’t been there). Those are tough waves. This is when one realized the travel is all worth it. I could stay and stare at it the whole day. Scenes like this make travelling worthwhile.

Simply breathtaking. Reminds me of those island shots in Survivor.
This looks better on an SLR though.

Group shot:

Camwhoring in the lighthouse:

With TF participants:

The scene is just lovely. Out comes the umbrellas.

Tucked in the forest a few minutes away - the waterfalls. There was a path, but it wasn’t exactly paved. One could say the place wasn’t frequently visited. Didn’t find the waters inviting so I didn’t go for a swim. Other found it refreshing as the waters were cold.

Picnic lunch was served after we got back from the falls.

We swam for a bit before we left. The beach was not to brag about but Cape Engano is definitely worth the travel.

We said our goodbyes and parting shots, and we set our sails back to civilization.


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