Ecuador Visa Application in the Philippines

Way back in 2015, I recall that Philippine passport holders did not need a tourist visa for Ecuador. That changed sometime in 2021. I'd rather not apply for another visa after getting an AVE for Argentina and a visa for Chile. I briefly thought of dropping Ecuador from the itinerary - the Galapagos leg was costly and there's this visa application. B ut... it is now or never! I decided to book my flights and accommodations and just go push through with the visa application. The website of the embassy of Ecuador lists 'Embajada del Ecuador en Filipinas' located somewhere is Makati with some phone number. I called the phone number (January 2024). The building receptionist informed me that the embassy is not a tenant of the buiding anymore. They did give me a 'forwarding email' of the embassy (ecuadorindonesia-at-gmail-dot-com). I sent queries to both ecuadorindonesia-at-gmail-dot-com and eecuindonesia-dot-cancilleria-dot-gob-dot-ec (official email). There was...