Biri - Camwhoring Continued

I woke up with painful legs. Nevertheless, the Biri Island adventure continues.

We opted to use a boat this time to get close to the rocks. For a minimal fee, they will take you near the rocks. They will pull the boat – no machine involved, no paddling.
Pull kuya! Kamown!

We landed in another (slippery) rock called Bil-at. Gave an an opportunity to get closer to the waves.

Magnificent and scary. Just be careful because your camera might get wet – those splashes are pretty strong.

Amazing rock textures:

My camera broke along the way. I jumped. It fell. Hard. Byebye 3-year-old Canon Ixus 75. Since my camera conked out, all photos here were taken by one of my travel buddy during the trip - Alex Ostonal.

We decided to go to three rocks that morning so that we have the whole afternoon for something else – probably sunset part 2 and bodyboarding in the resort. AND, we did not want to do the habal-habal and the walk again (like what we did the previous day). No rock climbing was made because these were pretty small rocks and trying to climb them is crazy – read:buwisbuhay

Again, with this trip, there’s not much to tell, but there is a whole lot to SEE. The main activity is to just enjoy the beauty of the place. Period.


Careful walking because these things make it slippery.

Group shot - drama effect.


This rock formation made me wonder if this part of the Philippines was submerged millions of years ago. I’d love to come back with a rock scientist.

Our photographer/guide: Kuya Orlando:


More drama and wacky shots. Not a lot of tourists so pose lang ng pose!

There's not much to say. The pictures will tell the story. But I think I mixed up the rock names and the pics. Please correct me if I am wrong. :D

Further burned and baked, we headed back for a late lunch around 3pm. All plans for sunset part 2 and body boarding were washed away by a long afternoon nap. I woke around 6pm and discovered that everyone else just dozed off the rest of the afternoon. So what? This is vacation! Kain, tulog at picture lang!

Day 3 – Itinerary


Wake-up call/ Breakfast






Head back to the resort


Nap time


Woke up. Missed the sunset.


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