Europe Part III: Itinerary and Budget Breakdown

I should probably start blogging about this now. Grad school starts in two weeks. My blogging mojo has an erratic life. I have backlogs from my China 2014 trip. It is difficult to blog about the past and plan for the next trip at the same time. It is difficult to keep up with myself (Char!). So here we go. Europe again. Can you blame me? Crafting this itinerary took considerably less time that the previous two EU trips I did. I didn’t feel that I “have to” hit a specific place just because I am in Europe. This time, I focused on Central Europe and did not travel via plane intra-Europe. I stuck with trains. This is also the first time that I am travelling Europe during summer. The table below is the itinerary I presented in my visa application. I just added additional columns for the contact details of the hostels.